2014年12月15日 星期一

[筆記] VMware讀取SDcard

我的筆電有內建SD讀卡機,可以直接讀取SD卡,但我的VMware老是吃不到這個訊號,沒辦法直接從player-> removeable device直接將訊號接到我的VM內。這個問題困擾了我好久,但因為室友有SD讀卡機轉USB,所以這個問題一直被擱置。但有天找不到室友的讀卡機,只好勇敢的面對這個問題....

Host OS: Windows 8
Guest OS:  Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit on VMware

# Step 1 

Find out the Device id of SD card in windows.
command:wmic diskdrive list brief

you can see DeviceID. In my computer, it is PHYSICALDRIVE1.

# Step 2 

Edit virtual machine settings -> Hardware -> add..
Then, in Add Hardware Wizard
Add a hard disk-> SCSI(Recommended) -> Use a physical disk(for advanced users)
choose PHYSICALDRIVE1 in Device and Use entire disk in Usage and click next
Then, use default .vmdk name and click Finish

# Step 3

powered guest OS on. And you can see


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